Thursday, June 24, 2010

1855 historic St. Joseph's

For Father's Day, my kids took me to historic St. Joseph's Church and tour this great holy Church.

Unknown to a lot of people, St. Joseph's has relics from apostles, stained glass windows worth more that all the Churches in the state of Michigan added up, and a beautiful 1855 setting that let's any newcomer know they are in a holy place.

Enjoy the pics, and please try to visit one day - see about their guided tours.

The Kids taking Dad out for Father's Day

Relics from the past - inside the windows of the Cross - wood from the Cross, pillar of the scourging, and Cloth from St. Joe himself

Bin for the baptism. Notice the 8 sides (not a pool). 8 sides represent the 8 days one has to get their baby baptized; that was when Jesus was circumcised.

Pray to the infant Jesus

Alter in a 1855 Church

Imagine a full choir here

This window is worth more than all the Churches in the great state of Michigan. A little business in Austria created the halos around the heads. As the sun beams into the windows, the sun's rays get redirected all over the inside of the church. That business is no longer making windows and no one has ever been able to reproduce this type of craft.

There is a relic next to every apostle and Saint in this Church